Frequently asked questions

Have questions? You're in the right place.  

Question: I'm interested in spinal manipulation therapy, but what does it do?

An adjustment occurs when a licensed chiropractor applies a high velocity, and low amplitude thrust to a spinal segment, causing it to cavitate or "pop". Over time, individuals may start to become stiff and their joints don't move as they normally should for everyday activities.

An adjustment is a powerful tool that induces motion in a joint or multiple joints to improve spinal mobility, decrease pain, improve blood flow, and improve muscle activity through neuromuscular stimulation. Spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) is normally paired with soft tissue and exercise to perform at it's best.

Question: Are Chiropractors covered under insurance extended health care insurance?


Chiropractors are legislated as primary contact health professionals in Ontario. Most insurance companies cover either the full fee or a percentage of the fee.

If you are unsure, it is recommended that you contact your insurance provider to see if Chiropractors are covered under your current insurance plan.

Question: Do I need X-Rays before seeing a chiropractor?

The short answer is NO. Contrary to what some health care professionals may tell you, X-Rays will not show you spinal "misalignments".  X-Rays are used to assess bones for injuries, tumors, infection, and the "scary" stuff.

Chiropractors should only refer patients for imaging if they suspect a fracture (break) in a bone, or if patients are presenting with red flags (signs of cancer, infection) that may require further investigation prior to chiropractic treatment. This helps keep you safe as a patient.

Current research recommends against routine X-Rays for chiropractic patients. 

Question: What is that "popping sound"? 

Patients often wonder what the popping sound is when a chiropractor performs spinal or extremity manipulation.

The quick answer is no, it is not your bones cracking and grinding! Think of it as a release of gases similar to opening a can of pop or your favorite summer beverage. When you open the can, you are depressurizing it which causes the "pop" sound. This is exactly what happens within your joints! A joint is surrounded by a tight capsule that consists of connective tissue that plays an important role in maintaining the function of the joint. Over time, pressure builds in this capsule in the form of air and gases. When the joint is moved with a high-velocity and low-amplitude thrust, the transfer of gases causes an audible pop!

Question: How often do I need treatment?

The frequency of your treatments will depend on your condition and needs. Many patients find relief with one or two monthly appointments, while others may require more frequent visits during an acute period or flare-up of their symptoms. We will work with you to develop a personalized plan for your care that meets your specific needs.

Question: Do I need a referral from my doctor to see a chiropractor?


Thankfully, we can take walk-ins as primary healthcare professionals. Some insurance plans require a referral from a medical doctor in order for your insurance to cover your treatments. Be sure to check before booking an appointment to avoid any issues.

Question: Is it safe?

Absolutely! We will use techniques tailored specifically for you and provide additional guidance regarding lifestyle habits such as exercise, nutrition, posture, and stress management that can help support your progress. Chiropractic care is also non-invasive and medication-free, making it a safe and effective way to manage musculoskeletal issues.

Question: Am I out of Alignment?

We aren't motorized vehicles. The human body is a robust machine that adapts to the stresses in each of our individual lives, therefore no single human body is identical. If your body is "out of alignment", it's probably because it needs to be in order to function properly to meet your needs. 

Alignment is an old term that is slowly phasing away from the chiropractic field. Instead, a chiropractor should fully assess your complaints through a detailed history followed by a physical examination, and then provide you with a report of findings to properly address your needs through a reasonable and appropriate plan of management.

Modern chiropractors should utilize more than just adjustments to treat their clients. Things such as soft tissue therapy, joint mobilizations, acupuncture, functional exercise prescription, lifestyle management education and more are great adjuncts to your care. 

Question: Is a chiropractor a "Real Doctor" in Canada?

In Ontario, a chiropractor is one of 5 health professionals legally entitled to use the title 'doctor'. A chiropractor is considered a Primary Care Practitioner – this means we act as a first-contact health care professional, just like your medical doctor.

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